Our Mission: Financial empowerment for all!

Financial illiteracy is a silent epidemic that is plaguing LGBT youth of America today. Statistics show that when LGBT youth are forced to be on their own as a result of rejection from their families’ and societal discrimination, many do not know how to survive, let alone thrive. For example, a large number of LGBT youth and young adults are unemployed, or underemployed without proper health benefits, subject to living below the poverty line, and the most devastating, homeless. Sadly, the statistics are even worse for transgender individuals.

It is time to change these statistics and work on ending this epidemic! Time to erase the taboo around this discussion of money in group settings and share the knowledge we have to uplift one another. The LGBTQIA* community is significantly affected by financial illiteracy, but other underprivileged communities are suffering as well.

Please help me with my mission by hosting financial literacy workshops within your community and other places of need regardless of your gender or sexual orientation!

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"Financial literacy gave me my freedom to become the proud transgender man I am today. To stop struggling and finally build the life I have always wanted. Let me show you how."

— K. Kenneth Davis, The Trans Capitalist