Wake Up, Wake Up, Wake Up, It's the 1st of the Month!
“But I gotta save, gotta come up…Count up my profits and add it to the stash…”
Welcome to the first The Trans Capitalist's "1st of the Month Newsletter"!!! I want to gift you a coupon code: "1ST". You can apply this coupon to Friday's surprise, which I can't wait to announce! Until then, you can join the waitlist that gives you sneak peeks into Friday’s surprise.
So, let's get into it and start with the educational topic of the month: Savings. For a queer-trans person in this capitalistic society of America, it is crucial to have savings, aka cash, in the bank. Savings will be your safety net and help you when an emergency arises, so it will not throw you deeper into debt as it did to me. I really wish someone emphasized this when I started my financial journey, so I want to do you that favor. Focus on saving up as much money as you can.
Moving into financial trauma, let us first breathe before we enter into this pillar. :: Deep Breath ::. Okay, to heal our financial trauma and improve our relationship money, I suggest using money affirmations because they truly helped me when the anxiety started to build inside when I felt like I didn't have enough money saved. To let you in a secret, this will continuously arise throughout our journey, and that's okay. Repeat this affirmation as often as needed because, trust me, it will help.
Money Affirmation: "I will reach my savings goal, one dollar at a time."
I want to introduce you to the financial product, a high-yield savings account. A high-yield savings account is a separate account where you park your money in the account, and it grows interest being paid back to you, not the bank! Yes, read that sentence again. You earn interest for just sitting your money with a financial institution. Please believe me when I say it is not a scam. I have done a weekly series on high-yield savings accounts, which you can watch here.
Moving into empowerment, reading up to this point (thank you for making it this far 🤓), I want you to know that having a high-yield savings account is an adulting achievement unlocked! So, if you learned something new, embrace the accomplishment. If you took it one step further and researched a few, celebrate, too. And if you opened one, congratulations! Either way, I want you to feel empowered because you are seizing control of your financial destiny for the better. Now that is definitely something to celebrate, so cheers!
So, this brings us to the close of our monthly newsletter for February. Stay tuned, share this newsletter with a friend, and get your money up together!
I love each and every one of you,
K. Kenneth Davis
1st of the Month Newsletter